Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Grandparents' Ten Cats (part one)

Since this is my first blog, I will write about my maternal grandparents' (Meme's and Poppy's) ten cats. They're always a good conversation topic. You are probably wondering, "How do they have room for all of those cats?" Well, my grandparents have to squeeze the twelve of them (Meme, Poppy, and the ten cats) into an 1100 square foot home. I'm just kidding. That would be a nightmare. My grandparents live down in Williston, South Carolina, near Barnwell (out in the boonies). Because they live out in the country, they have a lot of room for all of those animals (they also have two dogs). We call my grandpa "The Cat Man" or "Dr. Doolittle" because he has so many animals. Anyway, four of the cats live in the main house, five live outside, and one lives in the Red Barn, which is like a pool/guest house. The following cats that I will talk about all live in the house.

I will start with the "Queen of the House." That is Katie. She is the meanest cat in the world. She has gotten better (somewhat), compared to when she came back to live at Meme's and Poppy's (that's another story, for another blog). If another cat is getting more attention than her, she will try to swat at him or her. She is always wants all of the attention and is spoiled rotten. She is also really fat. She loves to eat, and whines like crazy around five o'clock, which is her snack time, because she is hungry or because she wants attention.

Next we have Katie's second in command: Violet (or Buttons because her eyes look like buttons), who is a tuxedo cat. She is so fat that her fat drags the ground when she walks. She has been caught, several times, with her head stuck in the food box, eating. What she does is, she knocks it over so she can stick her head in there and eat. It's hilarious! Another hobby of hers, besides eating, is hiding in the cabinets in the blue bathroom (there is also a yellow bathroom) and jumping out at people if they are using the bathroom in the middle of the night. It scares the crap out of them. It is really funny to hear that story the next morning. 

The last cat that I will talk about is Dexter. His actual name is Beldock (It's a town somewhere. Don't ask me. My grandpa named him), but he has many nicknames: Dexter, Doc, Beldexter, Dex, or Docster- I'm the only one who calls him that last one). Anyway, this cat is fatter than Katie and Buttons. He is a tabby cat, and his hobbies are eating and sleeping. If he's not sleeping (like he does all day), he is either eating or waiting to be fed.  My mom got the cats a little kitty house to sleep in, and that is where Dexter typically sleeps, unless Katie has decided that she wants sleep in there. In that case, Dexter has to go find another place to sleep. He is adorable. He's like a cuddly teddy bear because he's so fat and soft. Dexter is my favorite cat because he is so sweet and cute and fat. :)

So those are the three main cats at Meme's and Poppy's. I will save the other seven for the next blog. Oh, another thing: my grandparents will take basically every cat and dog (they have two dogs also) that "walks-in" because my grandpa loves animals so much (can't you tell?). Dexter and Violet "walked-in" together, and so Dexter and Violet are buddies. Because they are so close, they like to lick on each other's ears. It's really cute. There are some pics of the cats in my picture area, if you want to see them. And that ends this week's blog. Bye! :)