Saturday, December 3, 2011


Because I have nothing else to blog about and the fact that I am drinking one right now, I will be blogging about Coca-Cola. For people out there who don't know what Coca-Cola (Coke) is, it is a "carbonated soft drink," to quote Wikipedia. It is brown, and is typically found in a red aluminum can (unless it is diet coke or the holiday polar bear one). Coke was originally intended to be a medicine to treat... something. Coke actually, at one time, had trace levels of cocaine in it because Coca-Cola began to use the leaves leftover after cocaine extraction to make Coke. This is not the case anymore. It is not possible to get high off of Coke. (Darn! Just kidding, Mrs. Kirk. Just kidding.) The can I have sitting next to me is a 7.5 fluid ounces (222 milliliters for those of you who use the metric system who are reading this). It has 0 grams of fat, 30 milligrams of sodium (1% of the daily value), 25 grams of carbohydrates (8% of the daily value), 25 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein. While I know that all of you reading this would love to know what  the ingredients of my highly engaging and mesmerizing Coke can are, I need to go study, work on my Psycho essay, and wash some clothes, none of which I feel like doing right now. Maybe I'll take a nap...

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