Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Aurora Three

I was just on and I read an article on three men who died in the Aurora, Colorado shootings on Friday, July 20. This article was written especially about these three men, Jon Blunk, Alex Teves and Matt McQuinn, because they threw themselves on top of their girlfriends when the shooter came into the theater; all three women survived- one was wounded. The fact that these men put their girlfriends' lives above their own shows the selflessness and honorable characters that each one of them had. As the article goes on to (basically) say that a lot of men today put themselves first, above everything else, and need real role models that they can relate to, like these three men. And this is absolutely true. I can only think of a few men/ guys in my life who might give up their lives to protect me, if that many. But I hope that one day I will meet someone who I know, for a fact, would risk their life for me. I will always remember these three men because of the huge sacrifice that they made; this is something that all men should take notice of and, hopefully, the story of these men will make them better people. 

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